Purify Your Energy Workshop

It’s a workshop to give you tools to be able to purify your energy on a regular basis and keep increasing your vibration. It combines theory and practice with very regular effective techniques and some of my own channeling, such as the Archangelic cross.

It’s for you if…


You notice that you often yawn and are low of energy, that your back is always contracted or you feel weight on it: you are very likely to be loaded with parasitic energies.


Sometimes you have nausea or even if you find it hard to get out of obsessive thoughts or attitudes that you don’t like: you have a lot to clean up at an energetic level.


You have dark circles under your eyes and you think it’s because you don’t sleep enough, or if you find it hard to sleep or you don’t rest well at night: it’s also because you are being invaded by energies that don’t belong to you.


You have never done an energetic cleaning: you are most likely to have them and not be aware of what it’s like to feel without those energies that are not yours.


Your children have tantrums or bad answers: most likely they have many of those energies and you can do a lot to help them with these techniques.


You are usually in a bad mood or arguing with others: you can also solve a large part with just a good daily energy hygiene.


  • Grounding
  • Aura Cleaning
  • Aura Protection
  • Basic release of Emotions
  • Elevating beings to light
  • Power phrases
  • Archangelic Cross
  • Implant release
  • Mary Magdalene’s symbol
  • Explanation of the influence of the family lineage and DNA

How does it work?

You’ll be given a theoretical explanation of what happens to us at the energetic level, the consequences of not cleaning our energy regularly and purifying techniques. After the explanation of an exercise, you’ll practice it individually while being guided. You can write down everything you need to use in your day to day.



You’ll learn tricks of products that can help you purify your energy, your loved ones’ and your home or workplace.

You’ll be able to check the need of other much deeper techniques that I could offer you in my practice, such as energy release with the Hebrew pendulum.

“Purify your energy field from what is not yours”

With this workshop you’ll be able to…

Learn to purify your energy regularly and tell the difference when you are free from external energies and when you are loaded with negativity.

Understand, with their gradual use, the difference between the energies that have taken over your energy field and your unresolved emotions and wounds.

Learn gradually to get away from harmful environments or toxic people because you will tell the difference more easily.

Feel higher levels of energy, less pain in the back and neck and be in a better mood.

Rest better and have more placid dreams.

Make any further personal growth work easier and much more effective.

Purify your Energy and be Free